First Thursday in May

It’s late on the first Thursday in May. Do you know what this day is officially? It’s the National Day of Prayer. Today is the 64th annual celebration of this event.

It began with the Continental Congress in 1775 praying for this infant country. It was reaffirmed in 1863 by President Lincoln. Truman, Reagan and Clinton all strengthened the  perpetuation of this day of national prayer.

All over America today groups clustered together to whisper prayers for our precious country. We gathered in Everett on three street corners of our main business district. We gathered with pens and paper and markers and did art. A guitarist softly played at one corner.

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Children came with grandparents and created art.

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We released a new creative anointing that bridges cultures and communities and churches. We created in unity–that place where God commands a blessing. People placed their hands over the part of the this drawing where their heart was drawn in prayer.

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At one station three individuals came together and shared in prayer. A young man, whose father left when he was four, found a father. A father, whose heart is so big with compassion, embraced this son in the faith. For a long time the older man held the younger man and let the heart of the father meld with the heart of the son. There was healing. A woman stood nearby, a woman who had only known men as beaters and abusers. She met two men, the younger who made a vow at 13 to never strike another human being and the elder whose heart compels him to love. She came away with a softened heart.

National Day of Prayer-2Two blocks north, another group drew and colored a picture that represented the heart of Father God and illustrated it with little designs representing the hearts of the fathers turning to the hearts of the children and the hearts of the children turning to the heart of the father.  They illustrated on Everett Avenue what God was performing on Hewitt Avenue.

That’s prophetic art at work. Drawing it out and watching it happen.

National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer–a time for fathers to turn their hearts to their children and children to turn their hearts to their fathers.

Healing. Wholeness. Safety.

It was a good day in downtown Everett.

And the sun shone on us! And the breeze cooled us. And hearts were softened.

Somewhere in every process, there must be healing–repairing the breach that seems to have been irreparably broken.

Process is about loving–reaching out and embracing. What is the value of a product if there is no loving behind it? No healing? No embracing? Products are worthless without loving. Wishing for you more loving in your processing.

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Marlee Huber ~ For Your Flourishing Life!

One Comment

  1. And…a change in header photo! 🙂