Something Wonderful is About to Happen!

Wednesday morning found me winding my way down Mukilteo Boulevard toward a favorite trailhead. It is mostly a residential neighborhood except for one cluster of commercial buildings. J-Lee Floors has been there for years. In front of this store is a signboard that read, “Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.” I like that. …

Who Am I?

Have you ever been around someone who is so secure in their identity that the more you are with them the more they affirm who you are? My Uncle Gene Horton was like that. Physically, he was one of the biggest men I have ever known with large hands, a big smile, and the curliest …

Who is Good?

Yesterday as I parked my car in the downtown corridor, I saw it on the car in the next stall. Right there starring straight at me with a halo over its floppy ears was the graphic design of a dog with a caption proclaiming the goodness of the dog. It is a registered trademark so I will …

Show Me Your Glory

It was a long weekend in the land of limited wi-fi. Rather than drive in pursuit of service, I just frolicked in all the greenness pressed up against the Cascade Range.  The pre-written posts were allowed to languish on my computer. This morning I was in the mood for something fresh. It had been a …

Whatever is Glory?

“God of our Lord Jesus the Anointed, Father of Glory:  I call out to You on behalf of your people. Give them minds ready to receive wisdom and revelation so they will truly know You.” Ephesians 1:17. The Voice. From the chapter that has been called both the Alps of the Bible and the Grand …

Nothing is Impossible!

This morning I nearly overslept after three days of waking up during the 3 to 4 AM watch of the night. Now I’m home after full day of wonderful conversation and prayer with dear friends. Consequently, the writing for today has not been done. I heard the Lord say keep it short.  I’ll try! My first friend …

Happy Birthday, Sweet Mama

Today is May 20, 2015. It is 3:54 AM. I am wide awake. Twenty days into my blogging on process, I have posted more this month than I have in the last year and a half! The more I unpack ‘process,’ the deeper I plunge into mystery! It is like snorkeling near the Captain Cook monument in …