The Elevator Speech and the Back Story.

Elevator Speech.  “Hello, My name is Moses. I led the Children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt. My people call me Israel’s First Prophet and Lawgiver. I am the author of five books:  Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The biographers of Jesus, Matthew, Mark and Luke, wrote about my appearance with him at …

Gates Open! Train Coming Through!

Two year old Samuel loves Thomas the train. The family is quite familiar with his favorite commands:  “Gates Open! Train coming through!” Are your gates open for the train of God’s creative download to come through? You reveal your availability by declaring what he declares! With this post, you will begin an amazing journey through …

What’s ahead for 2012?

2012 is a year for making declarations. Twelve is the number of administration. When you administer something, you declare your intentions before you take action. Yesterday, I had a great illustration of how God wants to move with us into 2012. Annemarie and I took 2 year old Samuel for a walk on a trail …

Are Your Lips Sealed?

Suppose that light looks like favor. In fact, let’s make an equation. Light = Favor! What if declarations are the switch that flips on the light for the pathway ahead? What might awaken in your life if you declared “favor” on a daily basis? What if light = favor, but your lips are sealed? Marlee …

“Please say a command!”

“Please say a command,” announces the female voice from the sound system in my husband’s Ford F-150. Clark speaks and downloaded music selections begin playing from my iPhone. Nothing happens without a command. Period. Have you considered how this might relate to your life? What are you commanding? A little harsh you think? Soften it …

Transformed by Favor!

What would happen in our society if we spoke more about God’s favor at the top and the bottom of the hour and less about calamity and evil? How might your life be transformed if you daily spoke favor over yourself and your family? Too many people speak into existence what they do not want, …

How does God show up in your life?

What do you know about yourself today that you didn’t know yesterday? A recent treasure mapping experience revealed, I am a salvager! The evidence is spotlighted this morning in my newly rearranged living room. Wish I had taken “before” pictures of this little table Debby Sutherland gave me with it’s broken shelf and scuffed finish. I …