I’m A Light Chaser. Are You One Too?
Read more: I’m A Light Chaser. Are You One Too?When I was thirteen, my daddy almost died. After that whenever I pointed out a sunset, he would glance towards it, shake his head in disappointment, and wander off whistling a tune about heaven. We always surmised that in the delirious depths of his cause-unknown trek through the valley of the shadow of death he…
A Tiny Cloud Called Hope
Read more: A Tiny Cloud Called HopeLast week, I left home early to experience sunrise. With my camera slung around my neck, a song spontaneously rose to my lips as I walked near the I-5 corridor. The morning unwrapped her sleeping shroud throwing back layers of featherbedding that clung to the lazy Snohomish River. I stood enthralled, singing, and commanding my…
Lighting up the Litter
Read more: Lighting up the LitterHere in the Pacific Northwest, a long and beautiful summer drifted into a sun-drenched fall. I promised myself when the rains come, I will write. I told myself that the dismal months would be my writing oasis. Here I will find the freedom and solitude in which to pen magnificent prose. So while on sunny…