What’s with the Flourish?
Read more: What’s with the Flourish?Do you have a favorite word that excites you? I do. That word is flourish! I now know why since picking up Marcus Buckingham’s latest book, Find your Strong Life; what the happiest and most successful women do differently. Buckingham gained fame through the Strengths Finder Assessment. Now he has a new one strictly for…
The Day After Valentine’s Day
Read more: The Day After Valentine’s DayScanning Facebook yesterday, were you overcome by the heady fragrance of roses co-mingling with prime rib and chocolate mousse? Yes? Except for my friend, Krista, whose daughter threw up and sent hubby’s plans skidding. Krista, there is hope! It may be delayed, but keep the faith! In fact, sound the trumpet! Terri Orbuch, Ph.D. of…
Good-bye to Rugged Individualism
Read more: Good-bye to Rugged IndividualismFlourishing happens best in community where everyone generously lays their individual strengths in the center of the table and announces, “Here is my best. Receive it!” How many times have you shared a dream, idea or project with a friend only to be told, “Go do it!” “You should do it,” he exclaims with finger…