Getting Unstuck

If you have been following me this month, you know I have been writing about process as an incentive for getting unstuck. If you haven’t been following me, I don’t blame you. It really doesn’t matter if anyone reads this because the most important thing is—I must write this!

However, if you are sticking like glue you may be curious where this is going.

Two products just keep bobbing around like marshmallows in my hot chocolate.

  1. 91 Days of Grace:  a prophetic bicycle trip across America. My husband’s dream trip transformed my life! While shopping for a trailer, I told a salesman about the proposed trip and how I would drive the truck and pull the trailer. He said if he told his wife he wanted to bicycle across the continent she would say, “See you in 90 days.” I feel sorry for him; he must be married to a dormant woman.

On this trip, I felt as if I was unwinding my way back across the trail blazed by my ancestors. I did, too–way back to Westmoreland County, VA where I discovered that my 10th great grandfather had served in public office with George Washington’s grandfather. In fact, Great Grandfather Horton and his partner received a patent for the land where this Statuary Garden of the three Presidents from the Northern Neck of Virginia now stands.

Here’s President Washington:


This trip with the gold frame and the promise of angelic accompaniment and, of course, who could forget the memorable liberty bell, transformed my life.

No one would ever believe that we stumbled onto the Liberty Bell of the West, not even knowing of its existence. It hangs in it own shrine on Kaskaskia Island in the Mississippi River.

Liberty Bell of the WESt 2 Liberty Bell of the WESt

This little bell that I found in an antique store up the alley in Eureka, MT has it’s own story that is growing longer month by month. Here I held my little bell up in front of this marvelous bell that signifies the Revolutionary action that occurred furthest west. I rang it loud and clear!

  1. Releasing Your Glory. It is my contention that each of us has glory – that bit of God-breathed brilliance on the inside of us that is unique to us. Most of us never share our secret sauce because our souls muck up the brew with fear-encrusted motivations. Over a nearly 10-year period, God has spoken to me about living a love-motivated life rather than a fear-motivated life. Where did this all start? With my psychologist friend, Dr. Orv Owens, who repeatedly said,                                                                                            “Five percent of the population is motivated by love; 95% by fear.”      Wouldn’t you rather be motivated by love than fear? I sure would! It begs (and those who have attended seminars and retreats also beg for it) to be collected and distributed in some manner. Right now it sits in about a dozen journals, notebooks, files, stacks, and mind maps.  Why is it important? Because it, too, transformed my life and that of not-a few others!

If I can get these two products into some kind of format—oh, that will be victory. I dream of two books.

What’s holding me up? Have you ever taken the Signature Strengths Assessment?

When you do, you will discover your top five strengths. What I have discerned about mine is that they are whiners always crying out for more—more context, more learning, more woo, more ideas and more maximization. MORE! That’s my big dilemma.

So my take-away from this post is that the MORE that my strengths demand may just be fear motivated rather than love motivated. Ok—we’re getting somewhere now!

Break through!

Marlee Huber~ For Your Flourishing Life!