Show Me Your Glory

It was a long weekend in the land of limited wi-fi. Rather than drive in pursuit of service, I just frolicked in all the greenness pressed up against the Cascade Range.  The pre-written posts were allowed to languish on my computer.

This morning I was in the mood for something fresh. It had been a while since I had grabbed my camera and sallied forth into the world to see what I could see, so I decided to assume a contemplative attitude and observe what visual communication I could have with the Father of Glory today.

The day was busy, but late tonight when I uploaded these photos I got excited.

If you read the last post, you know there is beauty and then there is glory. Glory is way beyond beauty. Our Father is the Glorious Father! He indeed blessed me today to see beauty that reminded me of his glory!

columbine 1 columbine 2 columbine 3

poppy on the ground

red peony

Somehow, it seems to me that blossoms in the spring are about as close to glory as we can experience on this earth. This red peony, for example, is more elegant than the most elegant ball gown. This gown I saw recently at the High Style Show at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco. Called the “Tree” Ball gown, it was designed by Charles James with rigid interior boning.

tree ball gown

Somehow, this gown cannot touch the elegance of the red peony above which requires no interior boning.

Since we are parked on the Possibility Prayer, I want to share with you the four-petaled dogwood. I think it might help you remember the four parts of this prayer.


Mind! Awaken to Possibility!

Heart! Arise in Expectancy!

Soul! Rest in Tranquility!

Strength! Be Anchored in Humility until I come into the full expression of my Christ-formed destiny. 

Marlee Huber ~ For Your Flourishing Life!

One Comment

  1. A beautiful – glorious – posting, Marlee!
    Thank you for sharing the views you found.