What is a Welfare Church?

On Facebook, on this day after the election I posted, “Maybe the reason we have a welfare state in America is because we have a welfare church in America. It’s all about WIIFM in both church and state.” I was challenged with the question “What does a welfare church look like?” and what do I …

Rain in the Forecast—NOT Again!

Reading Facebook is people watching from the anonymity of your easy chair. All who post are weather reporters. Posters come in two types. Some write about clouds, drizzle, rain, sleet, hail, snow, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. Others post about sunshine! Not just concerning the weather, but everything! You might respond, they’re just telling …

Busy or Flourishing?

Recall the last time you ran into a friend in the supermarket aisle who didn’t tell you she’d been busy? I know—it was the time you met the friend who’s been sick for a month—because she’s been too busy! How does the concept of “busy” align with your flourishing life? If flourishing is being “fruitful …

Flourishing Friendships

I glanced over the subscription email and thought “there has to be a mistake!” My name was mentioned! What? The author referenced an email I had sent him a few days earlier as one of the 11 highlights of his week. This blog was linked as was our website www.womensleadershipadvantage.com. Befuddled, I pointed it out …

8 Steps to Your Biggest Win

Between you and YOUR BIGGEST WIN lay eight steps. Eight is commonly considered the number representing new beginnings–or your biggest win ever! No big deal. Right? Wrong! Number 3 is not a ground-level stepping-stone, but a BOULDER called CONVERGENCE! Only 20% conquer the pity party convergence throws in your honor! So how will you recognize …