What is Marlee doing?

Debby Sutherland keeps telling me her facebook friends are asking her, “What is Marlee doing?”

So here’s what I am doing.

1. In February 2010, I made a Treasure Map and pasted some celebrity’s skinny body on the board with my head glued on top.

2. About the same time I registered for a diet coaching course. I selected a diet and abstained from the food I enjoyed and painfully watched 14 pounds come off. I also drank the Noevir Herbal Blend Tea. The tea was fine; my fortitude for the plan stunk. I was not happy, but I was losing weight.

3. In May, Clark and I went on a trip to Turkey. With three fabulous meals per day, I gained most of it back.

4. June, 2010-January 2011. I gave up! I just ate!

5. January 2011. I started reading on nutrition for beautiful skin. If I couldn’t be skinny, at least I could look 20 years younger than my high school class mates! That’s when I discovered if you eat for your skin you’re eating for your brain and your heart!

6. I met a lady who gave me a list of 14 super foods plus a few other things. I posted it on my refrigerator. I did pretty decent–when corn chips weren’t around and friends didn’t invite me over for cheesecake!

7. I started with Noevir’s BioLite and BioCleanse. I lost 2 pounds in 2 months. Needless to say I was less than excited!

8. I read Beni Johnson‘s facebook posts on raw food and green smoothies. I tried her avocado/lemon/cilantro/jalapeno pepper combo. It was actually quite delicious. I switched up the recipe removing a couple of her ingredients and adding in a few of my own, including Noevir’s Spirulina and Noevir Herbal Blend Tea. I named it Noevir Green Smoothie!

9. I went back to the library and checked out Victoria Boutenko‘s books on green smoothies. I met the Blendtec man at Costco who made delicious treats with spinach and told me to check out greensmoothiegirl.com.

10. I dusted off my VitaMix.

  • I set out to make some new habits for a lifetime.
  • I decided to drink one quart of green smoothie per day.
  • I would walk 30 minutes per day.
  • I would exterminate the killer in the kitchen–the Standard American Diet–acronym:  SAD; euphemism:  SICK or do I need to be more blunt? SLOW DEATH!

11. I built my diet around that one quart of green smoothie for several weeks. I ate mostly RAW foods with a little steamed chicken breast or salmon. I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF THIS FEAST! I felt I was being fed at the cellular level. I couldn’t wait to try another recipe for green smoothies. I even picked dandelions! I just remembered always to include the Noevir Herbal Blend Tea and the Noevir Spirulina in my smoothie–real keys to motivating your metabolism!

12. I added back in the Noevir BioLite and BioCleanse. This time the pounds starting slipping off. Frequently I lost one pound every day!

13. Last week, I went shopping. I tried on a sale’s rack sweater in XL–I loved it! I left it there. This week, I went back and discovered the sweater had been further discounted and purchased a M! Yes, in just one week!

  • And I’m not starving myself.
  • I am enjoying the most brilliant food on the planet!
  • My cravings are TOTALLY GONE!
  • I have no desire for rich syrupy coffee drinks!
  • I have more energy than daylight hours!

14. But I keep dreaming about that metallic-colored dress on the treasure map. I found the shoes on sale! I know that when the body is skinny, the dress will appear! Look for me on stage at Noevir’s National Convention, 2012–in this little number. And if you find it in a boutique in your area, call me! Will you?

Oh and go click “like” at facebook.com/IFeelSkinnyComingOn. Thanks!

Marlee Huber ~ Advocating for Your Flourishing Life!