Where to Place Your Confidence

Within the last three weeks two devastating earthquakes have focused all eyes on the ring of fire in the Pacific. The first in Christchurch, NZ devastated a city center; the second appears to have rocked the entire nation of Japan sending the promise of tsunami action toward fifty additional countries.

It makes having confidence in our earth and its promise of security shaky currency indeed. It makes the accumulation of stuff on this planet a dicey investment at best.

What we are searching for on March 11, 2011 is rock-solid, firmly-positioned, enduring security. Another word for this is faithfulness. Faithfulness is something to depend on when you are running for cover!

Interestingly, when the psalmist David writes of God’s faithfulness, he does not write that it is established on the earth, but in the heavens.

Who is trading stock in what’s over head?

No earthlings I know! But there is a God in heaven who says through Isaiah, “I don’t think like you think.” Isaiah 55:8

Obviously, it appears God does not have a greco-roman mindset!

Psalm 89:2 “I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself.”

Psalm 119:89-91 “Your word, LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures. Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you.”

On a day when the earth is reeling, it is good to know there is ONE who established faithfulness not on shifting ground, but in heaven. It is good to know that something penned 3000 years ago can give us firm footing in 2011.

Having confidence in what you own on this planet is not ultimate security, but having confidence in the ONE who declares that faithfulness is established in the heavens–now that is security for your flourishing life.