
  • Show Me Your Glory

    It was a long weekend in the land of limited wi-fi. Rather than drive in pursuit of service, I just frolicked in all the greenness pressed up against the Cascade Range.  The pre-written posts were allowed to languish on my computer. This morning I was in the mood for something fresh. It had been a…

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  • Will You Settle for Good?

    What’s not to like about good? Plenty, if you look at the following list. Good is a four letter word? It is not as good as better or best. Why settle for good when you can have the best? It must be poor or why would it rank below better and best? The Joneses don’t…

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  • Whatever is Glory?

    “God of our Lord Jesus the Anointed, Father of Glory:  I call out to You on behalf of your people. Give them minds ready to receive wisdom and revelation so they will truly know You.” Ephesians 1:17. The Voice. From the chapter that has been called both the Alps of the Bible and the Grand…

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