
  • Nothing is Impossible!

    This morning I nearly overslept after three days of waking up during the 3 to 4 AM watch of the night. Now I’m home after full day of wonderful conversation and prayer with dear friends. Consequently, the writing for today has not been done. I heard the Lord say keep it short.  I’ll try! My first friend…

    Read more: Nothing is Impossible!
  • Happy Birthday, Sweet Mama

    Today is May 20, 2015. It is 3:54 AM. I am wide awake. Twenty days into my blogging on process, I have posted more this month than I have in the last year and a half! The more I unpack ‘process,’ the deeper I plunge into mystery! It is like snorkeling near the Captain Cook monument in…

    Read more: Happy Birthday, Sweet Mama
  • More Possibility

    In the very first post on the Possibility Prayer, I mentioned that my inspiration was Ephesians 1:15-23 from the Holy Bible. Let’s look at this passage so you can receive a greater understanding of the power and potential of this prayer. First, are the recipients of St. Paul’s prayer? People who fit two criteria:  1. People who…

    Read more: More Possibility